Imprint / GDPR

Florian Käding
Am Kerschacker 4
84036 Landshut

USt-ID: DE233365654

Usage Rights

All rights reserved.

All copyright for this web site is owned in full by kaedinger. Images and logos of companies are owned by the respective companies and only used to illustrate the professional connection. Images may be used freely, provided the source reference is given. Textual content (applies also to excerpts) and attached documents may be distributed unaltered, provided the source reference is given. Digital content provided for download may be re-distributed unaltered, provided the source reference is given.

Each copy must include the above mentioned proof of copyright. And it’s a lowercase ‘k’ in ‘kaedinger’ 😉


You know the thread: We cannot assume any liability for the content of external pages.

We try to keep the contents up to date, accurate and complete. Nevertheless, Murphy is everywhere, so we do not give any warranty concerning timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the material published here, and disclaim liability if anything goes wrong.

Registered trademarks and proprietary names, as well as copyrighted text and images, are not generally indicated as such on this web site, but by this we do not want to imply that these names, images or text belong to the public domain in the context of trademark or copyright law. No way, bro.


(valid for and its subdomains, except

We do not keep any data about you when you surf here. We’re not using social media plugins, google analytics, webfonts or any other stuff that phones home. We do not even store cookies, we eat them right away.